The Vorlons

Deck Overview:     "To this day, no one has ever seen a Vorlon outside thier encounter suits..."
The Vorlons:  Mysterious, old and quite.  But will they stay that subdued when The Shadows rise again?

The Deck
Aftermaths (2) Vorlon Ascendence x2
Conflicts (5) Free The Souls, Rally The People, Test Thier Mettle x3
Events (32) Contact with Vorlons x3, Who Are You x3, Carpe Diem x3, A Moment of Beauty x3, Meditation x3, Chrysalis, Early Warning x2, You Are Not Ready x3, Reducing Risk x3, Level The Playing Field x3, Not Meant To Be x2, Eliminate Threats x2, Vorlon Rescue
Characters (13) Delenn, Delenn Transformed, Kosh Naranek, Ambassador Kosh, Sebastian, Entil'Zha, John Sheridan, Ratheen, Hedronn, Shakat, Durlan, Drahli, Grey Council Servator, Minbari Telepath, Lyta Alexanders
Enhancements (2) Fixed In Thier Ways, Triluminary
Agendas (3) Servants of Order x2, Order Above All
Groups (0)  - none -
Locations (3) Vorlon Space, Observation Post, Taralenn II
Fleets (6) Vorlon Fleet x3, The White Star, First Battle Fleet, Third Battle Fleet
Total:  68

Opening Hand:   Delenn, Kosh Naranek, Servants of Order, Vorlon Space

Beginning of Game:    Bring Kosh Naranek into play right away.  On the second turn, bring out Servants of Order.  Gain a mark from Kosh Naranek, then purge all three of Delenn's marks.  This will provide you with three Vorlon cards.  It is vital that you purge all your marks each turn, though.  You can't specify that you pure "A Kosh mark".  You just purge a Vorlon mark.  At the end of your turn, you still have to re-pay Kosh Naranek if possible.  If you can't (ie: No more marks left), then you don't have to.  Continue to build to 10 influence, gaining and purging marks from Kosh along the way.  After all, why spend 3 to draw an extra card at random when you can spend 3 to get a card you /know/ you'll need in the future?

Midgame Stradegy:    By now, you should have all the Vorlon cards you need (namely:  All the ones in your deck).  Time for The Vorlons to come out of hiding.  Slap down Triluminary and play Chrysalis to bring Delenn Transfomred into play.  Play Vorlon Rescue on Delenn Transformed to heal her.  On the next turn, gain a mark from Kosh Naranek and play Vorlon Space.  Now you can start playing all those lovely Contact with Vorlons and Who Are You? cards, giving the Vorlons 2 influence each.  Time to get active in the game!  Once you have 3 marks on Delenn Transformed, play Order Above All.  Control of the game is now in your favor, with You Are Not Ready  and Order Above All's conflict cancelling ability.  Play a few of your own conflicts to give you a boost in influence that might put you ahead of the Shadow player.

Endgame:   If there isn't a Shadow Player in the game, victory via Order Above All should be simple.  If you are going up against a Shadow deck, get ready for a long, long ride.  Play Vorlon cards one per turn so you can get the full benifit of Vorlon Space.  Use You Are Not Ready carefully.  If your opponent Forced Impairments your Order Above All, the game will be over.

Strengths:   The ability to discard conflicts (Order Above All, You Are Not Ready) and events (Not Meant To Be, Reducing Risk) gives this deck a major advantage over others who may be relying on that Rally The People to win the game, or the Forced Impairment as thier only defence.  Talarenn II gives you a wider range of abilities to work with, since most of your Characters are Grey Council Members.

Weaknesses:   The deck is fairly slow to get started, which may be a serious hinderance against some speed decks.  Adding ways to slow them down might be benificial.  Against  a Shadow deck, you might have a long, drawnout battle ahead of you.  Since the Shadows' major agenda counts Shadow minus Vorlon influence as power, and you count Vorlon minus Shadow as power, neither of you will get the 10 points ahead of the other needed to score a Major Victory.  You'll have to wait for your opponent runs out of cards and Inner Circle characters.  A fast and well built  Babylon 5 Deck can also beat you in the race for victory.  The sure-fire way of stopping that type of deck is to get The Shadow War started, something that is hindered by Sigma 957.  

A Look At Some Individual Cards

Entil'zha and John Sheridan:  The only way to bring Entil'Zha into play is to have John Sheridan replace Jeffery Sinclare.  Entil'Zha can be retrieved using Servants of OrderJohn Sheridan, however, requires luck.  It is not guarenteed that Entil'Zha will enter play, but he's worth it if he does.  You might be lucky, though.  The human player could replace Jeffery Sinclare himself.  If there is no human player in the game, though, remove both these cards from your deck.

Delenn Transformed:  Some people ask, is it really worth it, just for 1 extra Diplomacy and 1 extra Leadership?  I say, yes.  All the cards needed in the combo are retrievable through Servants of Order, and it "replenishes" Delenn's marks.  Remember, you purged her first mark when you player Servants of Order.  You lose the mark gained from the Triluminary when Delenn leaves play, but you then gain two more Vorlon Marks.

In Conclusion
 A fairly straight forward deck, once you get a hang of it.  It's a bit slow at first because of the time you have to spend retrieving all your cards, but it pays off in the end when you have everything you need at hand.